Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tzav text message

Parashat Tzav (Command)

Sacrifices are all over the book of Leviticus. The details and repetitions may make it look an arid and "boring" text.
Part of the richness of the repetitions lays in minor changes that may happen and sometimes are "invisible."
In this section we find again a list of the sacrifices that were brought at the Tabernacle.
There is a common ground among all of them but one. All the sacrifices are to be eaten on the day (and the night) they are brought.
The only exception is the "Zevah Shelamim." For that sacrifice, people had two days and one night of time to eat it.
Shelamim comes from the word "shalem" and "shalom" - wholeness and peace.
Sometimes we need more time to achieve wholeness and to make peace.
It is just a matter of time.

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L

Friday, March 20, 2015

Vaykra Text Message

Parashat Vaykra (G-d called Moses)

The Book of Leviticus starts with the word Vayikrah. That word has a parculiarity, the letter Aleph is smaller than the rest of the letter.
As you may imagine, many explanations were given.
The one I like the most is that when Moses was writing the Torah up in Mount Sinai, a little bit of the ink spilled on his face.
Therefore two things: 1) His face was shining 2) He had less ink and the Aleph became smaller.
It would be great if we realize that in our daily tasks, we can "spill" some holiness and shine.

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L

Friday, March 13, 2015

Vayakel - Pekudei Text Message

Vayakel (Moses assembled) - Pekudei (The reckonings of the Tabernacle)

With this Torah sections, we conclude the book of Exodus.
Towards the end of the book, we find the following words: (Exodus 40:34)
"When Moses had finished all the work, the cloud covered the meeting tent and the Lord’s glorious presence filled the dwelling. Moses couldn’t enter the meeting tent because the cloud had settled on it, and the Lord’s glorious presence filled the dwelling."
Moses could have acted differently. It was just a cloud. Clouds are accessible, penetrable and, therefore, Moses could have entered anyway.
But Moses knew there are spaces we are not supposed to invade. There are private spheres we should respect and never try to occupy.
Those are usually called sacred spaces.

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Ki Tissa Text message

Parashat Ki Tissa (When you take census)

Separations occur. This is not a secret. From the first day of creation, G-d made a clear distinction between light and darkness.
Moses separates for forty days from his people and when he returns, they are not the same people.
A Golden calf was built and worshipped, a huge symptom of immaturity.
This is inadmissible and Moses breaks the tablets.
Separations occur. Couples, parents and kids, teachers and students, departures of loved ones from life.
We need to learn to separate and adjust to being apart. That is the only way we won't break what we treasure the most.

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L

Monday, March 2, 2015

Tetsave text message

Parashat Tetsave (You shall command)

Moses appears in the Torah since he is born in all the parashot but in this one.
Some explanations were given.
This section is read close the day of his death Adar 7th.
G-d listened to Moses' request to be erased from his book after the episode of the Golden Calf.
Or because all this section deals with the garments of the High Priest and Moses was not permitted to be High Priest.
I think the right question to ask is not why but what. What do we do with the fact that the leader is missing?
With the same Hebrew letters we form the word Tetsave, we can form the word Tzavta, unity.
When there is no leadership, stop arguing and get together.

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L