Friday, January 23, 2015

Bo Text message

Parashat Bo (Come to Pharaoh)                

Moses wants to go to the desert to worship Hashem. He wants to take everybody and everything they had.
Pharaoh answers: “Go! Worship the Lord! Only your flocks and herds need to stay behind. Even your children can go with you.”
Moses answers: "No, we need all our animals! We won’t know which to use to worship the Lord until we get there.”
Sometimes we need to wait until the last moment to make a decision.
Moses didn't have all the answers handy and he knew he had to wait until he got there to choose.
This teaches us that sometimes it is okay to take some extra time to choose correctly.
Why are you rushing? Take more time to choose correctly!!!

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L

Friday, January 16, 2015

Vaera Text message. Freedom

Parashat Vaera (Hashem appeared)

We do not have time. We are busy almost all the time. Working, studying, running errands.
It seems there is no freedom. It feels sometimes we are like in Egypt; we are slaves.
We read in Exodus 6:8 "I’ll bring you into the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I’ll give it to you as your possession. I am the Lord.” Moses told this to the Israelites. But they didn’t listen to Moses, because of their complete exhaustion and their hard labor."
They were not even able to listen to the good news.
Why is this so? Because sometimes we believe that freedom happens when we are on vacation, when we can relax...
The lesson we need to learn is that we are free people also during work, during errands, during the times of distress; otherwise, we will always feel like slaves.

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L

Friday, January 9, 2015

Parashat Shemot. Text Message

Parashat Shemot (Names)

The second book of the Torah starts with the following words: These are the names of the Israelites who came to Egypt with Jacob...
All the names we will hear are names we already know (with the exception of the midwives who saved the Jewish boys...)
But the second chapter tells us a story without names... A man from the house of Levy (no name) married the daughter of Levy, they had a baby (no name), and his sister (no name) took care of him. Pharaoh's daughter (no name) saved him and called him MOSES.
There are names and names... Names who will be secondary actors and names who will make the difference.
As the famous Israeli poet Zelda wrote, Lechol ish yesh shem, every person has a name.
It is our task to decide what type of actor we want to be.

In memory of my beloved mother and teacher Miriam Rachel bat Israel Itzchak Z"L